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Database file/home/jean-pierre/Documents/BaseDocumenter/www/databases/Invoices/Invoice_Forms_v2.odb
File actual save date2018-07-12 16:54:13
Scanning done on2018-08-21 16:18:10
Documentation generated on2018-08-21 16:18:22
Table of contents
Invoice Forms
List of tables
Table name Used by Relationships List of fields Number of records Table data (sample)
CUSTOMERS Items Sold (Query)
1. Invoice Unique Items|listCUSTOMER_ID (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|listCUSTOMER_ID (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Address1 (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|listCUSTOMER_ID (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Address1 (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|listCUSTOMER_ID (Control)
  Details 200 Data
DISCOUNT qSubForm_Adv_Discount (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Tax (Query)
4. Invoice Advanced|listDiscount (Control)
  Details 11 Data
Items Sold (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Discount (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Shipping (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Tax (Query)
1. Invoice Unique Items (Form)
2. Invoice Basic (Form)
3. Invoice Intermediate (Form)
4. Invoice Advanced (Form)
  Details 2 Data
ITEMS Items Sold (Query)
Items UnSold (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Shipping (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Tax (Query)
qSubForm_SubTotal (Query)
qSubForm_Tax (Query)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm1|ITEM (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm1|ITEM_SERIAL (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm2 (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm3 (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm1|ITEM (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm1|ITEM_SKU (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm2 (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm3 (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Invoice2 (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Invoice1|ITEM (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Invoice1|ITEM_SKU (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Customer|ITEM (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Customer|ITEM_SKU (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Invoice (Control)
  Details 11 Data
SHIP_TO 3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Address2 (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Address2 (Control)
INVOICE (Table) Details 2 Data
SHIPPERS qSubForm_Adv_Shipping (Query)
4. Invoice Advanced|listShipper (Control)
  Details 4 Data
SOLD Items Sold (Query)
Items UnSold (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Shipping (Query)
qSubForm_Adv_Tax (Query)
qSubForm_SubTotal (Query)
qSubForm_Tax (Query)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm1 (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm1|ITEM (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm1|ITEM_SERIAL (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm2 (Control)
1. Invoice Unique Items|SubForm3 (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm1 (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm2 (Control)
2. Invoice Basic|SubForm3 (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Invoice2 (Control)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_Invoice1 (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Customer (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|SubForm_Invoice (Control)
  Details 0 Data
TAX qSubForm_Adv_Tax (Query)
qSubForm_Tax (Query)
3. Invoice Intermediate|SubForm_SubTotal|SubForm_Tax|SubForm_Tax_Rate (Control)
4. Invoice Advanced|listTax (Control)
  Details 3 Data